婚禮音樂(For The First Time)

海天一色,幸福輕飄淡淡地甜蜜 ;

風清月明,Rod Stewart浪漫音樂,
倆人搖曳在For First Time的經典情愫 ;


Are those your eyes?

Is that your smile?

I've been looking at you forever
(我望著妳 許久許久)

Yet I never saw you before
(其實 我們只是初次相見)

Are these your hands?

Holding mine?

And now I wonder how I could

Have been so blind

And for the first time

I am looking in your eyes

For the first time

I'm seeing who you are

I can't believe how much I see

When you're looking back at me

Now I understand what love is, love is

For the first time

Can this be real?

Can this be true?

Am I the person I was this morning?

And are you the same you?

It's all so strange

How can it be?

All along this love was right in front of me
(這份愛情 就在我的前方)

And for the first time

I am looking in your eyes

For the first time

I'm seeing who you are

I can't believe how much I see

When you're looking back at me

Now I understand what love is, love is

For the first time

Such a long time ago

I had given up on finding this emotion ever again

But you're here with me now; Yes, I found you somehow

And I've never been so sure

And for the first time

I am looking in your eyes

For the first time

I'm seeing who you are

I can't believe how much I see

When you're looking back at me

Now I understand what love is, love is

For the first time

For the first time

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Maggie 提到...

很美 很貼近