婚禮音樂(When I Need You)

本以為翻唱這事在國語歌壇,稀鬆平常,想不到外語市場為數也相當驚人,請出谷歌大神的指示後,居然有多種不同風格When I Need You的演唱方式;

一首深情,打動人心的情歌,透過搖滾鐵公雞洛史都華(Rod Stewart),獨特的音域,所散發出來的魅力無人可擋,第一次接觸,就不禁拜服迷戀歌聲之中,情歌音樂裡的最佳代言人。

「靈魂歌壇最柔美經典歌聲」的路瑟范德魯斯〈Luther Vandross〉,一個都充滿了愛的節奏藍調/靈魂藝人,一開嗓,他那柔而不亢、油而不膩的高音就會把歌曲中的愛戀與情意傳達給每位賓客(Luther Vandross代表作品【Dance With My Father】在葛萊美獎上,曾獲得了4座葛萊美獎殊榮),婚禮音樂當然要來點節奏藍調,才能讓婚宴空氣混合流行和搖滾。

「永遠的拉丁情人」胡立歐(Julio Iglesias),浪漫多情的情人形象與催情的嗓音,使得胡立歐三個字早已成為羅曼蒂克的情歌代名詞;Pop+Classical經典,婚禮浪漫氣氛營造,絕不能少的最佳幫手。

男生唱、男生唱、男生唱完女生唱,老是由男方表達對女方的愛慕,女方代表當然也要有所回應,才不會落得空唱獨腳戲,請出席琳狄翁(Celine Dion)來詮釋When I Need You纏綿情意,傾訴愛戀思慕之情~

When I need you

Just close my eyes and I'm with you

And all that I so want to give you

Its only a heart beat away

When I need love

I hold out my hands and I touch love

I never knew there was so much love

Keeping me warm night and day

Miles and miles of empty space in between us

A telephone can't take the place of your smile

But you know I won't be traveling forever

Its cold out, but hold out and do like I do

When I need you

Just close my eyes and I'm with you

And all that I so want to give you babe

Its only a heartbeat away

It's not easy when the road is your driver

Honey, that's a heavy load that we bear

But you know I wont be traveling a lifetime

It's cold out but hold out and do like I do

Oh I need you

When I need you

I hold out my hands and I touch love

I never knew there was so much love

Keeping me warm night and day

When I need you

Just close my eyes and I'm with you

And all that I so want to give you

Its only a heart beat away

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